Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Dissertation.....

Hi people,

I am currently preparing my dissertation on the topic of values that is brought by information system from the user's perspective. This title was proposed by my lecturer (who is now my Supervisor) when I took Information System Development & Practice last semester and was part of my assignment for that subject. From what I understood, it is more like a study-based research rather than developing a system. I am still not sure whether I should come out with a system with this title altho some said I do not have to but others says that is is a requirement to complete the dissertation in Computer Science.

I have seek advice from friends who gave me some ideas on what to include in my dissertation such as giving examples of the successful IS, interviewing people, surveying and identifying users' expectation and involvement during the development. I did find it quite hard to deliver this research so that is why I am still reading journals to enhance my understanding. I found a few journals almost related to my study such as the pros and cons of user involvement and there are actually almost similar topics to mine so I just have to keep reading till I understand what I should prepare.

My research foundation lecturer advice us to look for a problem in that particular topic, he said in that way, we are able to elaborate the issue. I did identify problem such as developers hard to work with user's due to that they are participating unwillingly, they don't do their real job when observe by developers and so on. The thing which makes it difficult is starting the dissertation itself. where should I start? what should I write first? how do I Introduce the first part and lead to the next sub topic? etc.......all of those are still lingering in my mind, hence I am still searching on the net for effective and useful sources.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog. I enjoyed reading your articles. This is truly a great read for me.
