Saturday, April 30, 2011

Some reflections on writing - especially dissertations

Although this is more on PhD writing, I still find it interesting because of his experiences and useful tips.


*Be connected with people ; attend seminars, discuss, find people with similar interest. 
You work while you socialize.

*Always bring a small notebook to jot down any ideas that may come anytime

*Choose the right time and place you work best; Lock up in a quiet room alone with just your work and
Try to avoid distractions: people around you, emails, wear earplugs etc

 *He suggest 3 hours per day of writing for at least 2000 - 4000 words, another 2- 3 hours of reading or checking what you wrote or attend seminar...whereby the rest of the hour you do your leisure activities ; walk, movies, movies, music

*Try to read loudly what you wrote for several times then you can identify what can be improve.

*Don't delay writing. If you have difficulty starting, try to write small pieces at a time.

*Treat Writing as a creative exploration, not as report writing.

For more,
I recommend you to watch this interview 


1 comment:

  1. Great post, thank for share! I will return this blog to read more useful posts. Thanks!
